SensorML 2.0 Examples

CSM Frame Camera

To those involved with remote sensors (eg. video cameras, imagers, radar, SAR, profilers, etc.), the term "sensor model" refers to a process that determines the location of a particular measured array element (e.g. an image pixel) within some geospatial domain (e.g. latitude-longitude-altitude or Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) XYZ).

The Community Sensor Model (CSM) Working Group is defining common models for various remote sensor types. One such sensor model defines the appropriate inputs, outputs, and parameters for any Frame Camera. The example below is a SensorML encoding of the Frame Camera sensor model. While one Frame Camera model includes components of position and motion, this particular CSM model treats the camera itself as a separate component process. It can be combined in an aggregate process to include the platform's movement, whether it be a satellite, UAV, ship, vehicle on the group, or a person.

The example below is THE SensorML encoding of the generic CSM Frame Camera. For a particular instance of a frame camera, this model description can either be referenced and the parameter values consfigured using the settings property, or it can be used as a template in which the parameter values are provided inline. These two cases will be highlighted in the subsequent example.